After their successful second mission, the twins return to Austin, TX. After completing their physical exams and mental health evaluations with Dr. Monroe, the twins are surprised to report to the main conference room. The Elders have approved the termination of eight human trafficking camps scattered throughout the United States. The camps are identified in, Raising Assassins and have caused Iceman tremendous concern. The camps kidnap college students to be used as gifts for the terrorists as a thank you from the deceased target from Raising Assassins. A total of eight camps are identified and set for simultaneous termination. The twins are dispatched to Yuma, AZ to eliminate one of the camps.
After the successful mission, the twins return to the Factory for training. Prior to engaging in his new assignment with the Elders, Iceman maps out his plan for the year to maximize the fun and excitement shared with Katie, Zeus and Kelly. As Iceman returns his attention to his Elders work, he quickly becomes bored with the project and assigns himself to the dismissed targets. During his careful study of the targets that did not qualify for termination, Zuhair Zain caught Iceman’s attention. With Trinity’s assistance, Iceman reconstructs the file to better examine Zain. Zuhair Zain started Wahid, a $10 billion investment fund based in London in 2018. Zain pulled himself from poverty in Saudi Arabia to excel at top universities and worked for a prestigious financial firm prior to launching his own firm. Wahid boasts profitable investments in Arab communities in need of infrastructure. Zain captured the attention of the Elders due to the location of the investments. The Elders’ investigation raised some concerns that were ultimately dismissed. Iceman was not satisfied with the investigation; he held concerns with Wahid’s rapid growth since being formed in 2018. In 2017, Saudi Crown Prince
Mohammed bin Salman, officially next in line to the Saudi throne to his father, began his two-year purge of his rivals. A reasonable estimate, 100 royal family members, government officials and leading business executives were rounded up and imprisoned in the Riyadh Ritz Carlton beginning in 2017. Prince Mohammed cited corruption and a cleansing campaign that brought imprisonment without legal proceedings. The wealthy prisoners were blocked from all outside contact, securing their release by paying massive fines. Saudi officials had questioned over 200 people in the anti-corruption campaign resulting in the theft of at least $100 billion by Prince Mohammed. Iceman was convinced the victims, if they can be called victims, of the prince’s scheme would respond to the assault. Iceman is convinced the timing of Wahid and the purge are related. Trinity and Iceman require Atalanta and Zeus to join them and the C-Files team is united. The title of the team is amended from COVID- Files to Conspiracy-Files.
After leave and Black Ops training, the twins return to Austin to discover Trinity and Atalanta have made tremendous progress on the new C-File. The team works at a frantic pace, set by Iceman, to submit a report worthy of Elders final investigation. The team documents the troubling investments made by Wahid in companies and foundations linked to Wahhabi Islam. For over two centuries, Wahhabism has been the dominant religion in Saudi Arabia and the greatest threat to the House of Saud. Prince Mohammed’s purge was a proactive attack to eliminate and control his rivals for succession from the radical Wahhabi. The fund avoided Saudi Arabia and Prince Mohammed by investing in neighboring countries. Wahid made investments in Egypt, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan to expand the Wahhabi faith in the region. The C-Files team argues radical Wahhabism is the single greatest threat to the West. The use of financial investments, made through regional Wahhabi leadership, builds support for the growing radical faith and applies pressure on the House of Saud. The investments made by Wahid threaten oil fields, shipping in the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, government stability and terrorism. After careful study of the C-Files report, the Elders are not satisfied. The twins are deployed to London, using their cover as forensic accountants, to investigate Wahid, submit their findings, and if approved, terminate Zuhair Zain.