The Collins Twins Series
The Collins Twins Series chronicles the adventures of Seamus and Jack Collins as lethal assassins for the Elders. After the Napoleonic Wars and the War of 1812, nine men secretly formed the Elders. Nine of the greatest minds in business and academia from the United States and Great Britain came together to form the Elders. The founding Elders established the simple mission statement: to promote and protect British and American interests in the global theatre. The Elders utilize four divisions to achieve their mission statement. The Black Ops division is used when a threat is deemed too large, too sensitive, or too politically connected for national governments to address correctly. The threat, after intense and exhaustive investigation, is voted on by the Elders to become a target. Once classified as a target, Black Ops is tasked with elimination.
Bar Stool Banter
3-23-24: All we are saying is give Poles a chance
Jimmy Johnson started his journey to the Mt. Rushmore of football with the famous Hershal Walker trade. Three first-round picks, a boatload of other picks, and players that were cut, traded, or made little impact. The Dallas Cowboy dynasty of the 1990s was launched. The net impact of the greatest trade in NFL history was four impact players that helped shape the foundation for three Super Bowls.
Mickey's Corner
How did you get the idea for the Collins Twins Series?
I am an avid reader who loves movies. In my 20s, I traveled a lot for work. I don’t naturally travel well, so I made myself a deal. I dedicated myself to taking mini-vacations during business travel. I read books, chatted with strangers at the airport bar, read, and did zero work on the plane. During this period, I made notes to write a serial killer book series that I will eventually revisit. During COVID, I read over 150 books in 10 months, watched too many movies…